dimanche 29 novembre 2020




Commentaire à un article de...  du journal CAPITAL, du 08 octobre 2020.  

Il faudrait une troisième option : oui-non mitigé, selon les circonstances qui seront faites à l'Angleterre APRES le point de non-retour. On pourrait détailler sur beaucoup de points, mais en gros, cela revient à dire : Vraisemblablement NON, si les choses sont laissées au bon sens équitable et démocratique : les Anglais ont voté ! Il FAUT LES RESPECTER ! mais OUI, s'il y a des REPRESAILLES de la part de l'Europe et des industriels non-favorables au Brexit, sur quelque plan qu'ils puissent le prévoir : politique, finance, relations internationales, etc., la liste est sans fin, des possibilités de représailles qu'un interlocuteur NON-CONTENT, déterminé et SANS CONSCIENCE peut appliquer à un "désobéissant" et "par-trop véléitaire et indépendant" petit MOUTON NOIR qui n'a jamais vraiment accepté d'endosser le rôle d'esclave, ni celui d'appartenir "CORPS et AME" à AUTRUI. Parce que l'EUROPE, c'est CELA, qu'elle VEUT ! (Daniel 7:7)   

En gros, le Brexit place l'Angleterre sur la même sellette que la Suisse, qui pourtant a accepté PLUS DE 600 ACCORDS contraignants avec l'Europe, laquelle dans ce sens-là, ne voit aucun inconvénient à ce qu'il y ait un PERDANT - fût-il INJUSTEMENT et ILLEGITIMEMENT CONTRAINT au mépris de sa Souveraineté, qu'il n'a JAMAIS VOULU ABANDONNER. Il l'a fait quand-même par la suite, APRES LA FONDATION DE L'EUROPE et SANS EN CONSULTER LE PEUPLE SUISSE, à coups progressifs d'accords similaires mais beaucoup plus nombreux que pour l'Angleterre, et cela s'est fait comme une chose naturelle et évidente, par la seule existence de l'Europe et son affirmation "indiscutable" que s'y adjoindre est la SEULE situation acceptable.  

Ainsi, la Suisse est maintenant TOTALEMENT INFEODEE A L'EUROPE et a envers elle TOUTES LES OBLIGATIONS DES EUROPEENS, SANS EN AVOIR AUCUN DES AVANTAGES : parent pauvre et BATARDE du Continent Dictatorial, elle lui doit de dire OUI à toutes véléités, et cela continue jusqu'à présent... Ce n'est plus "Jacques-a-dit", mais "MACRON-A-DIT" ! le principal porte-parole et maniganceur de l'entité dictatoriale européenne actuellement... 

Cela est précisémment ce que l'Angleterre veut éviter, ET ELLE A RAISON !  

Mes sincères souhaits pour un BREXIT SANS DEAL, et mes plus ferventes Prières dans ce sens !  

Messieurs les Anglais, on ne vous demande plus de tirer, mais je vous dis plutôt : TENEZ BON ! CHERISSEZ VOTRE SOUVERAINETE, votre Patrie et Votre Reine, et qu'elles aussi, vous aiment assez pour vous soutenir et vous protéger !  

Tenez bon, Mr JOHNSON !!!  

Ce n'est là que mon humble opinion... 

Bonne chance à tous, 


P.S. La menace sourde dans les propos du député européen allemand, qui dit à mots couverts mais clairement pour qui veut l'entendre, qu'il s'apprête déjà à appliquer des  "sanctions"... 

De plus, la Bête retourne la situation et se victimise en larmoyant que sa  "démocratie en est  mârie"  -  et de reprendre  POUR SON PROPRE AVANTAGE  LE  VOCABULAIRE  et  LA  SITUATION  qui s'appliquent en réalité aux pays qui ont perdu toutes leurs libertés à la dictature de l'Europe : Sortir des griffes européennes  n'est  PAS UNE ATTEINTE A LA DEMOCRATIE, car l'EUROPE  N'EST  PAS, N'A  JAMAIS  ETE  ni n'est prévue pour être  UNE  DEMOCRATIE  !  C'est un  ESCLAVAGE CONSENTI ERRONEMENT   sur de fallacieuses promesses, et qui en réalité, que les peuples et leurs leaders en aient été conscients ou non au 20ème siècle  -  certains  DEVAIENT FORCEMENT  L'ETRE...-  que les fougueux utopistes en aient flairé les relents ou non, SE  DEVAIT d'aboutir en une dictature totalitariste et liberticide... Il n'y a véritablement de choix, dans la mentalité européenne, QUE POUR LES MAITRES : lorsqu'on demande aux peuples ce qu'ils pensent, on leur donne  SEULEMENT  L'OPPORTUNITE  DE  DIRE  OUI, AMEN...  

mercredi 4 novembre 2020




Part 1.) Boy, "those people" have such a way of dragging every American and every world problem into 1 place and load it up on D. Trump's back !  Biased, like all of them, in the way he presents the President's sayings and positions... If this very intelligent man thinks that if Biden gets elected, he will be the one who would abolish or lessen in any way the "system of production for profit", I'm afraid he's got the next few years ahead to get to know his pain, like the rest of us would, if God abandons us to this fate... The only difference about this issue between Biden and D. Trump, is that whereas Mr Trump wants the benefits to profit America, Biden will consistently channel them into his own pocket, as he and his "friends and associates" have always done all their lives long, wheher they were in office or not…

Well, it’s just that to actually GET THEM, those funds, there is a little quack, a wee small pack of hindrances… that to this day still block the way… (>> part 2)

(Part 2) This man, Mr CHOMSKY, is right about one thing, though, I'm afraid : it's that the environmental problems "are fixed", as he says, but that has been so for decades, and those responsiible for that are D. T.'s PREDECESSORS, as well as the whole world (icluding US (you and me) and our way of life, which NO ONE so far, by the way, is willing to change, for all I know.... To flunk this responsability on DT's back alone is just intellectually DISHONEST.

D. Trump cares to see America thrive again with sufficiency for all. Personnally, I care to see THE WHOLE WORLD afford SUFFICIENCY FOR ALL, as well as refraining from what in our way of life causes the planet's environmental problems : this is no game and no uncertain issue of "mabe this" or "maybe that" : "if we DON'T act at last, we're doomed environmentally" this man says, but he also says that it is already unavoidable and that we ARE doomed without remedy - he says it clearly (so please, be honest at least, and don't tell us that it all happened or was decided in the last four years…) And believe me, Biden IS NO SOLUTION TO THAT PROBLEM !

What can STILL BE DONE, however, … (>> part 3)

(Part 3) What can STILL BE DONE, however, is to REMEDY to the truly unacceptable fact that ALL PROFIT NOWADAYS ENDS UP IN PRIVATE POCKETS BYPASSING THE PUBLIC TREASURY ! and this, not only in America, but it is the same problem ALL OVER THE WORLD, mind you...

What most people don’t know - in fact NOBODY KNOWS IF THEY DON’T WORK IN ONE OR AN OTHER SECTOR INVOLVED - is that many of the shadow companies and corporations that are made, whether as true or as dummy companies, in tax haven countries are in fact founded on nominees - nominees which we, little people are, being ignorant of them and meant to remain so about the whole scheme… This is absolutely true, at least, of all, most or many people who have had at one time a « legal representation » over them, such as an attorney (for whatever reason or case), or has filed some day a legal quest or applied for some governmental help - as I said before, it is ABSLUTELY SO IN SWITZERLAND, and there is a good chance that it is so in most countries of the world as well : nothing is more GLOBAL than the juridical realm... (This is why you should’t get too angry at your president to want to build a material wall around your country, because… (>> part 4)

(Part 4) ...because in doing so, he prevents in parallel the destruction of the JURIDICAL STRUCTURES that still protect America somewhat from an all-out lawless junglelike international freedom of action for juridically-based commercial transactions. The laws that the wall needs to EXIST provide the parallel protection, on the juridical level, for other domains essential to preserve the sovereignty of your country, such as the real-estate realm, for example, and related to it, the native ownership of commercial enterprises, especially small ones, which are bound to need it more than big ones, I suppose, as they’re more at risk of being gobbled up by anybody that would fancy doing so from abroad… In short, it still prevents (somewhat) very «hungry» countries from coming in and laying ther hands juridically on our land. (This is how I see it, take it or leave it… and pls, tell me if I may be right about it, if you happen to know about these things ; Thank you.)

So we, « little people », must therefore do some research for ourselves concerning our own countries and our personal cases : you need to look it up in the laws of your countries to see if these things are possible, as well as in the juridical foundations of the social structures of your country, and then you scrutinize your personal official files to try and discover traces in hollow that such a thing is perhaps happening to you. (>> part 5)

(Part 5) If so, you can try to «enquire somewhere» about this, but you will more likely be looked at as if you’d gone coockoo in the head, because it is not part of the program that ou should EVER BE GRANTED ANY ACTUAL MATERIAL PROOF of the fact… Of a truth, our names (« normal » people’s names) are being used to « store » money there, in Panama and other tax havens, and since we will NEVER KNOW ABOUT IT, WE WILL NEVER CLAIM THOSE FORTUNES, nor pay our taxes on them, nor make any kind of move to enable public treasuries of ours or any countries, to go in and tap that money for the benefit of public funds. That’s how come public debts get worse and worse all over the world, and public treasuries get poorer and poorer everywhere, too, while all the world’s wealth is rapidly channelled into a smaller and smaller number of private pockets RICHISSIMI...

The thing is not to let it discourage you : frankly, WHAT DO YOU CARE ABOUT THIS MONEY, since you’ve lived without it so far and didn’t even KNOW IT EXISTED and NEVER ENJOYED A PENNY OF IT before ?? Besides, by the time it gets to a tax haven, it is so mixed up with CRIME MONEY, that even though it bears no smell, as they say, it is nevertheless sooo dirty that you’d do better NOT TO TOUCH IT AS IS. (Think about KARMA, and BEWARE…)

On the other hand, … (>> part 6)

(Part 6)… On the other hand, you need your country to be HEALTHY , so it can continue to function hopefully smoothly : the world over, we all normally love our country to a certain extent, and even if we are exiles, we NEED the country that is hosting us to BE HEALTHY, if only so that it can continue to help and support us…

So, basically, it looks like this, doesn’t it :

If the TRUE OWNERS that we are of these hidden fortunes, the lack of which empoverishes so ignominiously our countries and their social systems, then all we’ve got to do is to EXPRESSLY ALLOW our tax institutions to go and get it where it’s at. If you ARE the happy owner of a successful flourishing company, it is YOURS to decide whether you want to pay taxes on it or not, is it not ? The Linguee site found this quote to illustrate the meaning of a NOMINEE : «A nominee can acfor an obligee or aobligor (Chic, alors !…) (>> part 7)

(Part 7) So to begin with, you can :

1) Check out the Panama Papers data bank put on the internet by the ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalism) and see if your name’s in it : if so, there’s a chance you are concerned by the issue ;

2) then write to the IRS or other tax institution in your country, and tell them how pleased you would be if they would tax ALL and ANY GOODS FOUND in your name, anywhere in the world ;

3) it would help, perhaps, to mention clearly in your letter for the authorities of all countries concerned, that you allow such and such a tax institution THE COMPLETE ACCESS TO ALL PORTOFOLIO, FILE AND INFORMATION that concerns you in their active or non-active records (includ. archives), and that you imperatively require of them (the authorities of the particular country AND the private companies hosting your goods) that they disclose all information found in them both ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND OF THE CHOSEN TAX INSTITUTION  : you will preferably INSIST on both sides for a COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY TOWARDS YOU... ;

4) then you make it clear that all the private companies hosting your goods AND THE AUTHORITIES of the particular tax haven country MUST comply with ALL LEGITIMATE demands of the tax institution that you authorise, and they MUST LET THEM CARRY OUT ALL LEGITIMATELY DUE TAXING on ALL the money and goods mentionned in your files and portofolios, accounts, etc. INFORMATION and reports of legal actions concerning you directly or indirectly MUST BE DISCLOSED BOTH TO YOU AND TO THE TAX INSTITUTION(S) THAT YOU HAVE NAMED. (>> part 8)

(Part 8) 5) If you cannot find your name in the Panama Papers data bank, it doesn’t mean that it is not used in the manner described here : remember that the Panama Papers spread over a period of time ending at an uncertain date, but at least between 5 to 10 years back from 2020. So anything can have happened since then concerning you : it is legitimately of interest to you and your endeavour is relevant.   

6) If you CAN find it in the PP data bank, but your name is too common to know for sure if such or such item found involves YOU personally, then in that case, my advice is you proceed in both cases in the very same manner as described above since anyway, not having any MATERIAL PROOF OF YOUR POINT SUCH AS AN ORIGINAL DOCUMENT OR SUCH - most people are members of the «Z» POPULATION - you will have to express the launching paragraph of your procedure more or less in the following terms : « IF any goods of fortune are ever found on my name anywhere in the world... » Then, giving the tax institution sufficient information concerning you so that there can be no confusion about it, and knowing that they are a State institution, you also know that they can fairly « easily » find all the missing details about the case you submit, and if you are in that case, too, they eventually will find out and will let you know all about it. This is why you must be extra careful that EVERYBODY UNDERSTANDS that you intend to be informed of EVERYTHING DONE or SHARED THAT CONCERNS YOU , and that COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY - the basic, elementary respect of your dignity - is an ABSOLUTE CONDITION to your generous collaboration… (>> part 9)

(Part 9) To help the tax institution to receive ALL relevant information concerning the fortune and goods to be taxed, it is good you make sure to express clearly the right you give them to obtain it fom ANYWHERE THEY SEE FIT TO ASK FOR IT, whether from national or international official authorities, for example, police, institutions or journalists, such as the ICIJ, or from private banks and companies of ALL sorts : anything that can help them to trace your goods all the way from the tax haven to you, while having to pass through countless screen companies and banks’ acrobatics...

It certainy will not be an easy task, but in this time of unfairly manipulated covid tragedy, with countries having to care for millions more of unemployed people while their treasuries are being drained of their last drops and very soon none will be left at all to care for anyone in the most needy sectors of our societies : isn’t it worth the try ??? So what if you are wrong or turn out not to be a taxable citizen of the world : there ARE millions of cases among us where people ARE owners of fortunes unawares. WHY Not TURN IT IN ? Alone, none of us can retrieve it for ourselves anyway, so it’s not like you are losing anthing, on the contrary.

Your country needs it. You’ll be blessed for it. A good and disinterested gesture, a selfless deed might cast that «dormant bread» on the waters, and it might just «come back to you in time of need»…

So dare the courageous step ! And you will reap in due time…


tinfoilhatteril y a 1 jour

that sounds like a great idea, but, what fortunes do you mean?

infoilhatteril y a 1 jour has anyone done this, and what did it do for them?

@tinfoilhatter  The idea is not so much getting something out of it for yourself, but for your country... (see part 10)


@tinfoilhatter  (Part 10) The idea is not so much getting something out of it for yourself, but for your country... especially in the time of crisis we are living and the greatest of dangers it represents for all countries’ economy, particularly for the most modest populations of the world, of the Occidental world that is.

However, only we, poor people alone, are in a position that would enable us to (1) WANT and (2) BE ABLE to do it. The wealthy would scarcely give it a second thought, unless their conscience begins to hurt them a bit - or a lot…

The reason for this is because, for one thing, (1) we little people are "first casualties on the front line" to be foreseen in the eventuality of a total crumbling and fall of our countries, particularly threatening now with foreseable ghastly consequences… While only a small number of people on the side of the perpetrators would be able to survive the ordeal and thrive over an ocean of « casualties » : social « casualties », if ou want to understand the word in an abstract sense, but also REAL casualties, that is REAL LIFE casualties, with people dying in great numbers due to sickness, despair, murder even - just CHAOS, in other words... Already, with the first wave of Covid and its most damaging consequences, the first levels of «well-off populations» in the Occidental world have taken a plunge into poverty or poverty-threatened situations for a good many of them, coming and adding their numbers to the already existing poor.

In my opinion, this is due largely to the late response governments made to the serious problem everybody could witness in China : if the borders HAD been closed right away in November-December, when it first started there, and if people returning home from there HAD BEEN QUARANTINED WITHOUT EXCEPTION at this early stage, then the problem might have touched a FEW jet-set travellers and top commercial people and enterprises which entertain regular exchanges with that country, and it might have INCONVENIENCED THEM to some extent, probably in a mild and benign way, but not in the dramatic way the drastic measures that followed did affect most enterprises the world over : it would not have represented any way near a serious disaster as it turned out to be in 2020, for we see that the disease broke out in a time when luckily, there are usualy not many tourists and middle-class people travelling there in the over general at that time of year. On the other hand, this was not the case in January, because China attracts many tourists from all over the world at that time, eager to visit for the Chinese New Year, people ranking from all levels of society, middle-class travellers and up, for all and any purposes ; then the Chinese people themselves, for whom the holiday is a sacred time and a much awaited opportunity to return to their country each year and visit their families. All these people went there for a few days and came back, and no measures were taken to ensure they were not bringing the disease back with them, still incubating in them. Yet it was…

There again, Donald Trump was ahead of everyone, and he smelt trouble coming : IN JANUARY it says he did mention the need to CLOSE THE BORDERS - not a complete stop of the economy - but it seems he wasn’t heard. Biden even criticised him for it, and later on didn’t see as a non-sense to criticise him for not forcing everyone to stay home and stop all work, so essential for the country’s health... How foolish can one get - or how crooked and sickeningly perfidious… !

What Biden and friends wanted was a TOTAL SHUTDOWN of the country and he got it : do you think he doesn’t want it anymore ???…

(Part 11) So in terms of economy, the first wave was DIFFICULT and bore DIFFICULT CONSEQUENCES  : the second wave, second period of confinement, will be dramatic and will have terrible, tragic consequences. As you are having to face ELECTION CORRUPTION, and are still hoping there will NOT BE a second confinement for you, we here in Europe, having no way near recovered yet from the first one we went through all together in spring, we are entering our second period of confinement, imposing a second halt to all small commercial enterprises and allowing only a handful of big ones to keep going : This 2nd confinement period, predicted to be longer than the first, is about to be fatal to many a country, including more likely France and Switzerland.

If Biden gets his way with this, which THE WHOLE WORLD CAN NOW SEE THAT IT IS CROOKED regardless of whether the Supreme Court is courageous enough to GIVE OR NOT A CHANCE to the disfavoured Americans to present materially the proofs of the FRAUDS everybody SEES EXIST INDEED ; if the authors of this amazingly daring but at the same time CHILDISHLY OBVIOUS HOAX get away with it : not only will it be a disgrace for America in the eyes of her own people and of the world, but this deplorable imposture will be the sure beginning of very, very, very DISTRESSED AND DARK TIMES…

In my opinion, Covid was fabricated just for that, so that in the name of this real virus, the nasty deception could deploy its tentacles onto ALL sectors of our social life, and, pretending with (empty) promises to do us good, protect us and help us pull through, contrariwise, it is meant to produce the greatest harm of all times. Those that litteraly MADE the situation and profit by it, expecting to do so more and more, are acting as we can see it now enacted before our own eyes, that is whithout an ounce of shame, in a fraudulent attempt to seize a power they’re hoping to use to reach their goal. God help us all ! God help Donald Trump ! God help the Supreme Court and all its Judges !

And number (2) : we are the ONLY ONES TO BE ABLE to do it, we little people and POOR OF THE WORLD…

Certainly, we are and here’s why :

As I explained earlier, the Panama Papers make mention of fortunes and ghost companies’ funds hidden away in tax havens. Many of us happen to BE THE «FOUNDERS» and «OWNERS» of these fake companies, not by our own doing, of course : in almost all cases, we are not even AWARE they exist. No, those companies have been founded ON/IN OUR NAMES by all sorts of very discreet «representants» and intermediaries, who run and benefit from these companies through their «legal representation rights», the which they obtained in all sorts of doubtful manners in the first place, most or all of them being sheer CONFIDENCE ABUSE on their part, at best, but oftentimes also downright FORGERY (I’ll get into this elsewhere and some other time, because it is a LENGTHY subject...) The ONLY PURPOSE of both these intermediaries and the fake companies is to harbour in the quiet huge sums of money, undisturbed and untaxed, as well as UNREACHABLE for the State Institutions of all countries that could wish to lay their hands on it to tax it on the behalf of their public treasuries. To be able to tax those foreign financial entities, the tax institutions can act only if the owner submits his data willingly and opens the way to taxing : if he doesn’t, it is understandable that they cannot force their way into another country.

Besides the real owner, any of the intermediaries could provide the necessary sesame that would open the proceedings - but WILL THEY ?? Certainly not. Then since the « real owner », in our case US, does not KNOW he owns a «fruitful company » (or several) under the propitious skies of «Elsewhereland», then guess how he will make its taxing possible ? HE WON’T, of course, because he doesn’t (WE DON’T) even know about this whole scheme, much less have the material PROOFS (original documents only) that they existSo it is forever heaven in tax havens…

Well, to wind it up, let us say that as is, you and I and everyone concerned in this manner with the confidence abusive managing of ghost companies in tax havens on the names of modest people who ignore they even exist ; all of us «happy owners», of one or several thriving «business affairs» in remote places of the world, we are pleasantly enabled to try and do something most positive for our countries, that is we can allow them to tax our newly discovered fortunes or suspected-to-be fortunes, after they themselves, with the help of national and international police departments if necesssary, have verified the facts and made all the necessary moves to recover access to those dormant heaps of wealth...

In this time of Covid and its catastrophic consequences on the financial structures of our Society, couldn’t such a disinterested gesture, if it was repeated by many, represent the Number 1 solution to fight and prevent the programmed bankrupcy of our countries ?? Covid might not be the origin and beginning of our countries’ deep financial problems - deep state, deep troubles… - but in our unsettled and deepply perverted social contexts, it is sure meant to precipitate their doom…

So in conclusion, because as it is, there is NO WAY we can enjoy these fortunes for ourselves, let’s not show ourselves greedy and selfish like those who heaped them up over there : let’s share the wealth for the benefit of all and, as is promised, in time of need, it will come back to us again…

So get to your computers and question the ICIJ PP data bank !

And mind you  : WHAT HAVE WE GOT TO LOSE ???…   


tinfoilhatteril y a 1 jour

Panama papers... where would these be found then?   

 @tinfoilhatter  Some links to give you the idea of what came INTO THE OPEN : HOWEVER, this is only the tip of the iceberg, and even the medias that have been freely entrusted with the 11 Million documents turned in by a courageous JOHN DOE, the ICIJ, seem now to either not want to disclose any more information that they alredy have, which is only a SMALL PART of the total number of documents they received ; or perhaps they CAN'T give out any more ; perhaps, they AREN'T ALLOWED TO. Besides, the Mosec-Fonseca lawfirm these documents come from is only ONE among thousands os similar firmas, banks and other such juridico-commercial entities whose practices are the same

The ICIJ : hundreds of journalists from at least 25 countries around the world working on the PP case at the same time : they worked for months or a year in secrecy to be able to make a big hit with all the information they could, all at once : in the end, many articles came out on the same day in ALL MEDIAS all over the world.

It was CONCERTED ACTION and it did great in keeping the full surprise effect towards the first blow of information to the public on the subject, however NOT ALL INFORMATION got to be treated in this preliminary time. They were probably planning on continuing to publish stuff after the first big blow, but there was hardly another real blow or revelation about that : as the German journalist told me last year, they were still working on some « projects ». I don’t know how much more they did publish after the first wave calmed down, but it sure didn’t change anything to the situation anywhere in the world, nor in any significant way... The guilty parties were annoyed and some politicians even had to resign after disclosure of their actual belongings lying in tax haven hideaways ; some criminal groups were spotted, and I think some of them were either stopped or partly eradicated as a result of this courageous act from the anonymous JOHN DOE, who was taking great risks to do this, were he ever to be found out... but, unfortunately, once the people actively concerned with this and guilty of this immoral conduct of robbing their countries of their legitimate due, so essential to the good health of Society as a whole ; once they found out about it, then they closed the taps, so to speak, probably by pulling their legal "rights" to total discretion and privacy and secrecy, in many cases, if not all, even claiming COURTS' DUTY TO SECRECY about the individual cases : «official secrecy», you call it in English, «secret de fonction» in French.

When looking into the ICIJ data base, we start perceiving that on both INTERNATIONAL and NATIONAL LEVELS EVERYWHERE, this whole business is not only about rich people wanting to hide their fortunes and safeguard them from getting taxed by their governments. Most of the informtion the ICIJ received id still undisclosed so far, either by their own choice OR possibly because they are just NOT ALLOWED to do so, because the numerous screen intermediaries, those "representants" I'm talking about, FORBID THEM, throwing INTERFERENCE and hindering the information divulged by JOHN DOE from being made public. They easily can do that, and it has become standard practice for them in every sort of legal procedure, seing they work with POWER OF ATTORNEY means : they simply pretend the original OWNER does not want the information disclosed. For instances when an informed participant claims to receive MORE INFORMATION on a case, and if it doesn’t fit the purpose of the «preponderant interests» (even private ones), then the will of those ruling background parties simply prevails on that of ordinary, arbitrarily considered unimportant people : it is done on face value, on their financial weight in comparison to big money often secret parties…


Here are some videos about the Panama Papers :

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8uBOZo5ylw ,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6XnH_OnpO0 , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8mdNahdo4M ,

https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/ data bank  

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