So this is the whole purpose of KARMA, which is inscribed in the very machinery of the Universe, under the attentive surveillance of the Almighty and the collaboration of all His Angels : WE write the text, the screenplay, and operate modifications on the whole, and once we have jotted a line and thrown a word or an act with consequences, we come back as a protagonist actor, to pick it up from there and interact with each other... Thus is the Justice of God and the reason why Jesus said to do unto others ONLY WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU : we think He wants us to obey this admonition for the sake of « others », but in reality, it is for our own sake...
Cardinal John Henry NEWMAN discretely refers to this phase of descent in the very last lines of his poetic work « The Dream of Gerontius ». He called it : the Plunging into the deep Waters... The account is somewhat crypted, as the Catholic Church is not allowed to assume the notions of Rebirth and Reincarnation in her Teachings. However, I am personnally convinced that Cardinal NEWMAN had an actual Vision or experienced the subject of his narration, and that his tale is not just « poetic », but also PROPHETIC.
Even though it is somewhat more complex than this, we are given to understand here that God's Love and Justice work in such a way that many of whom we think that they are « other people », different and separate from us, are in reality, in their inner being, one and the same with OURSELVES, even though we will get the full revelation of this superior reality when we also reach « the other side » (beyond the Veil...).
This is what makes us realise that « God's Justice » is no vain word nor a fake idea, and understand why so often, we do not see it happen with our fleshly eyes, nor comprehend it with our humanly limited understanding : if it seems to fail on our human level, it unmistakably happens on the greater cosmic level. And in both possible cases, upon many occurrences, the individual we perceive as « another », on the inner level, is OUR SELF, called to pick up on the line and carry on the play. And most of the time if not all, as recipients of our own lines and compositions, what He wants us to reply is : FORGIVENESS... Unbearably, this is the whole purpose of Life, which is so difficult to comply with. This is why we need the Lord's Help to do this.
To conclude, I would like to refer to a video you can find on youtube, in which children recall their previous lives (Google : « 5 or 10 children remember their past lives » should take you there). It's not freaky, but it's sobering, and whether we chose to believe it or not, these are firm, unavoidable realities, though invisible at this stage of our existence : there is an awful lot there to relfect upon in relationship with our own lives.
With my prayers and best wishes to all of us for 2018 and the future,