LAS VEGAS SHOOTING, 2nd of October 2017.
Yes, Madame, human beings can get used to ANYTHING, good or bad. Whether as witnesses or perpetrators of them, people can get used to ANY KIND OF HORRID ACTS. Only the victims don't...
In Las Vegas, on that 22nd of October 2017, the perpetrator of the killing might not have committed his terrible act, if he had known that on his inner being's level, he was also in that crowd : in the number of the dead and wounded, but also among the spared panicked, traumatised people ; he was among the members of all these people's families and friends and loved ones, on a level that until his last moment he called «OTHER than himself ». However, the moment he turned his gun against himself and left this world of matter, he KNEW, and he certainly regretted having done this, but it was TOO LATE.
Our IGNORANCE of the oneness of humanity on higher levels of life allows us to see our environment as « OTHER » than us (including people and ALL creation), and we therefore are not capable of perceiving the eventual links which make us ONE with ALL, nor do we understand what exactly this
means : we mistakenly feel cut off from one another and independant from each other.
However, when the spirit (or light : the person that thinks inside of us) withdraws from our matter - this is what we call « death » - then the full perception of what IS takes place instead of the limited perception and comprehension of what SEEMS... And what quality the perceptions we receive then are of depends entirely on what we have engaged in all through our mortal life or lives : the thoughts we have allowed as well as the words we have said and the ACTS we have performed. The perceptions that are allowed to reach us at that moment are of the same quality and level as those we have welcomed and as the actions we have engaged in during our material lifetime, AND OF THEIR CONSEQUENCES, whether we were conscious or not that there were consequences to these acts, words and thoughts. (This is why our Mother Church tells us to pray fervently for sinners : not liking the awful sins, but LOVING THE POOR SINNER.)
There are 5 levels (actually 5x5 levels) of quality to our spiritual life, in which is comprehended, as a non-separable option, our material lives, as spiritual and physical dimensions are ONE : from hellish pains and sufferings to bliss of happiness, when we reach the spirit world, we connect with all that is of the same quality level and nature as we are, as what makes us. Even though we do not feel physical pain anymore, nor, in the positive, any pleasurable manifestation of our 5 physical senses, yet we do feel the anguish or the happiness that are linked to these, as we have had in some way direct or remote contact with them in this world through our thoughts, words or actions... This is what we call « hell » and « paradise » in our childlike apprehension of spiritual truths.
At the moment of death, the real Self then receives with full power the emotional and spiritual perceptions of everything that happens or has happened or will happen to it, or that be related to it directly or indirectly, as long as it is linked and relevant with what our newly ended lives had been, through their up till then accomplished physical course : the real Self reaches us then, at that moment, with full power and is flung through our conscience in that one instant - for LIGHT is eternal.
We can also describe it as a sudden opening of our momentarily atrophied Conscience, which comes in contact again with its full measure, the which was reduced by physical matter while we lived in our earthly, condensed material condition.
Esoterists say that after a time of reflecting and learning, you may say, (1/3 of the previous mortal life) in a dimension where apparently some notion of time still exists, the soul is invited to reincarnate and pursue its growth and purification in the mortal life, on the Earth, as a physical person again, as it is ONLY IN THIS PHYSICAL WORLD that we can progress and grow and get purified, with the intent to operate our needed return to God, impossible as long as we contain the slightest shade of impurity or imperfection.
It is said that upon coming back to the Earth, souls « choose their parents » ; however, God is the One that chooses the TIME and the PLACE in which a soul incarnates, or is reborn. This means that, pertaining to earthly time, our « coming back » does not necessarily occur « directly after » we have left the previous life in regards to human history, but possibly years, decades or even centuries after or before , as God sees fit to help our Conscience to grow. So earthly time is not actually relevant, relatively speaking, with Cosmic Time, as a next life could be ordered by God to take place prior to the present one, or possibly much further in the future. And thus we understand that He chooses for us the best place and the best time according to the progress He KNOWS we need to make on the road to purity and to the full and desired development of our Conscience : God aims not at a mere punishment of our « bad deeds », as our mistaken conceptions suggest, but He intends for us the shaping and the « elevation of our Conscience » to a state that is compatible with that of God Himself (compatible meaning not equal but unitable).
Therefore, with this goal in mind, God chooses for us the best time and place in which He knows we need to live on this Earth, to go through the needed experiences that will help our souls to grow and get edified and purified until they are fit to be reunited with Him - with the WHOLE... So that we can learn useful lessons and at last live in harmony with Him and with each other. And believe this or not : the « best time » for our rebirth very often is CONTEMPORANEOUS to the present life or to previous ones we have lived, like roles we have played in the same Great Cosmic Play of the Almighty Author - though there is a great part of IMPROVISATION to do there, on the part of us actors, of course, as He didn't write the screenplay entirely, in order to leave room for our Free Agency... Even if He knows ahead of time WHAT OUR CHOICES ARE GOING TO BE, for He is the MASTER OF TIME, yet He does not interfere with our decision-making. (See Brahma Kumaris' explanations on this). He, more rightly said, gave us the STRUCTURE , the Instruments and the Rules of the Play... We write the content as we go...
Through the journey back into materiality, the Soul goes through what Mormons and Catholics call « The Veil » (Jews do too, at least in similar words, if I am not mistaken). The Veil is a spiritual line of limitation between the Spirit World and its largely connected dimension, and the world of matter, on Earth, where the human Conscience is confined to its present individuality ; it is a state of forgetfulness which is our natural state during this present life ; but The Veil also refers to the whole phase of descent into materiality which the mortal Soul must go through upon its rebirth : the Soul goes THROUGH THE VEIL. During this descent, the Soul forgets the elements of common memory shared on the spiritual level of being, as it becomes the individuality that you and I have conscience of being, and that we call « me », I. In New Age psychology, it is called the « (little or) small I », in opposition with the greater « I » of the Spirit which we have been talking about, God's being the ultimate, of course.
So this is the whole purpose of KARMA, which is inscribed in the very machinery of the Universe, under the attentive surveillance of the Almighty and the collaboration of all His Angels : WE write the text, the screenplay, and operate modifications on the whole, and once we have jotted a line and thrown a word or an act with consequences, we come back as a protagonist actor, to pick it up from there and interact with each other... Thus is the Justice of God and the reason why Jesus said to do unto others ONLY WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU : we think He wants us to obey this admonition for the sake of « others », but in reality, it is for our own sake...
Cardinal John Henry NEWMAN discretely refers to this phase of descent in the very last lines of his poetic work « The Dream of Gerontius ». He called it : the Plunging into the deep Waters... The account is somewhat crypted, as the Catholic Church is not allowed to assume the notions of Rebirth and Reincarnation in her Teachings. However, I am personnally convinced that Cardinal NEWMAN had an actual Vision or experienced the subject of his narration, and that his tale is not just « poetic », but also PROPHETIC.
Even though it is somewhat more complex than this, we are given to understand here that God's Love and Justice work in such a way that many of whom we think that they are « other people », different and separate from us, are in reality, in their inner being, one and the same with OURSELVES, even though we will get the full revelation of this superior reality when we also reach « the other side » (beyond the Veil...).
This is what makes us realise that « God's Justice » is no vain word nor a fake idea, and understand why so often, we do not see it happen with our fleshly eyes, nor comprehend it with our humanly limited understanding : if it seems to fail on our human level, it unmistakably happens on the greater cosmic level. And in both possible cases, upon many occurrences, the individual we perceive as « another », on the inner level, is OUR SELF, called to pick up on the line and carry on the play. And most of the time if not all, as recipients of our own lines and compositions, what He wants us to reply is : FORGIVENESS... Unbearably, this is the whole purpose of Life, which is so difficult to comply with. This is why we need the Lord's Help to do this.
To conclude, I would like to refer to a video you can find on youtube, in which children recall their previous lives (Google : « 5 or 10 children remember their past lives » should take you there). It's not freaky, but it's sobering, and whether we chose to believe it or not, these are firm, unavoidable realities, though invisible at this stage of our existence : there is an awful lot there to relfect upon in relationship with our own lives.
With my prayers and best wishes to all of us for 2018 and the future,